The best moment with her ♥
Friday, [0] Stalker ![]() Heyy! assalammualikum. okay post ni nak happy happy, cheers! haha. nak cerita semalam, aku pergi tempat kerja my beloved future sisinlaw :D banyak rnduu maa sama dia! then aku cakap nagn angah, 'nak ikut pergi tempat kerja kak asma boleh' ? then abang aku kata cepat siap! hihi. best! tapi aku tak banyak cakap dong. sebab kinda malu and tak tau nak ckp pasal apa. tadi baca blog dia pasal ni jugak lah. hihi. terharuuu :") kasi ushar sikit here hihi. kat twitter bukan main lagi banyak tanya semua yee? haha. nak pergi lagiiii :D best betull. hihi. She's so beautiful, isn't she? be jelly :D haha. she's awesome ! lovehersomuch ♥ Anyways, I LOVE HER SO DOUBLE TRIPLE DAMN MUCH! sometimes aku lagi sayang dia from my own sis. sorry to say, but it's fact! my own sis perangai ya masyaAllah ! dah tak rupa perempuan. dia kasar. 'metalhead' girl katanyaaa :D haha. okay lah, tu je kot cerita hott nya. and gambar kat atas tu saya curi from kak asma. hihi. tu snap guna phone dia. okay bye. assalammualikum ♥ -lots of loves, z.z.a |
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