Wednesday, [0] Stalker ![]() Helloo peeps and assalammualaikum :) harini ada join contest. thanks a million to miss lea cause tag zakirah dalam contest and for the own er jugaa sebab buat contest ni. hihi. saja je lewww nak masuk /remz sudaa\.nak joinn ? pergi lah kat blog the owner tu. kat atas ni dah ada link the owner, hehe. okay lah, dia punya tittle pon da tau kan contest ni nak apa, 'SAAT INDAH BERSAMAMU' mesti suruh kita letak pic kita dgn org yang kita syang and so all right ? aku pon dah baca syarat2 and semua. so aku letak pic ni :- ![]() Bersama Siti Aisyah Aqilah Shari ,the awesomeeee friend i've ever meet before! kitorang panggil dia are. nama manja xD haha. ni masa last day skolah :( sangat sedih sbb tahun depan dah tak kelas dgn dia. tapi best sangat sbb dapat jumpa dia for the last time tu. saya sayang awak <3 saya tag 4 orang budak awesome gilaa ni :- -Lots of loves, z.z.a |
![]() Hello Hi. Welcome to Princess Rawrr. I dont used to "follow me, i'll follow you back". Hate my blog, fine. We almost always see only what's wrong with other people and not what's wrong with us. Best view Google Chrome Taggie Board
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