Keep calm and just graduate!
Saturday, [0] Stalker
Hey peeps, Assalammualaikum. Yea pagi tadi kitaorang graduate. hihi. Pakai jubah yang comels tu and naik stage ambil benda alah tu. Hahaha. Graduation Day, JEPS. Emm, mesti masa secondary school nanti rindu secondary. I'll never forget JEPS. Me love you poleber.
And tadi balik awal sikit, lepas ambil gambar then pulangkan jubah terus gerak balik. Sebab ayah nak pergi Lowyat. Lol, kesian Galaxy note rosak. Tu lah gatai usik usik phone terus lingkup. Hahaha. Tapi tak beli pun lulz. Nak repair boleh, tapi kena 800 ah. Baik beli phone baru en, tambah sikit boleh beli SIII en. cehh.
Entah dia nak tunggu Note 2 pulaks. Macam macam. Tadi beli casing je. Lol memang seorang beli semua lah kan nak juga. hahaha. like serious comel gilaaaa casing baru sayaa! hihi. Hello kitty bhaii. lol. Takut ohh nak ambil result UPSR nanti. Tawakal je lah result besokk. Emm okay serious tak ada idea sudah nak share. K ah bye. Assalammualaikum. Much love <3
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