Bye February Hye March
Thursday, [0] Stalker ![]() Asalamualaikum! Hey! well, today is march first, and yesterday was a leap year. 29 february. Haha. Will miss you February! I love february, because it's my birthday on it? haha. yup and i just love it. No excuse. And 6 march im gonna have an examination. Oh my. so like nervous! This is the beginning for the UPSR! So must study hard, do more revision and so all. Well, at this 8, im going to have a tuition! Math tuition. So focus lah on tuition and im going to do more and more revisions for my own self. If i dont start it now, then when right? Okay bm time. lol. Well, hari jumaat ni means besok ada kem ibadah dekat Jeps. So tidur one night dekat sekolah. Wah! so excited oh! Then malam ni kena lah kemas beg. Then besoknya hari sabtu terus kelas tambahan. Confirm ngantuk giloos. Malam ni baru nak buat reparation. Lol. Well me, suka buat kerja last minute. Ush ush ush! bad habbits you know. lol. And as you know, Hari ahad yang lepas, me dah buat IC kat Putrajaya. Patutnya buat. haritu terus boleh dapat, tapi hari ahad kan, half day. Then boleh ambil besok tahu, tapi my dad cakap ambil next week sebab dia kerja. Then i was like alaaaa. Then tengok tengok besok dia cuti. Because sakit pinggang. Hihi. Then masa balik aku terus pergi dengan my dad Putrajaya and ambil IC. My face look so weird! Sebab letih. Cause time nak buat tu, dia daftarkan nama aku salah. Zakirah Bt Zainal ABIDIN. ishh! Pissed off giloo masa tu. Dekat sekolah, sekolah lama dekat mana mana lah mesti susah nak sebut ADNAN. Buta ke apa tak tau lah. Malas sangat nak tengok betul betul. Ish! Mmmkay lah, nak mandi and siap pergi tuition. Nanti my dad balik tengok tak mandi tak siap apa semua mengamuk dia. And kat tuition confirm forever alone. Tak ada kawan oh! sedihnyaa. Farah fathini cakap nak masuk, But tak tahu lah dia. Kbye, Assalammualaikum! |
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