She's super duper nice
Friday, [0] Stalker Hey peeps! and asalammualaikum.. besok saya start tuition! so excited! sbb first time aku tuition. sedihkan? lol. tutition dgn cikgu Musyitah. dekat sekolah. pukul 10 pagi smpai 12. and lepas tu terus pergi wedding ceremony! ughh penat! and farah ada kat situu! dia lah yang recommend aku suruh tuition kat situu. And kan lepas habis tuition terus pergi wedding tu kan. aku tanya my mom, besok pergi tuition pakai baju casual biasa kan? then dia ckp eh pakai baju kurung! lepas tu kan nak pergi wedding. i just like whuuuuutttttt? asal pulaa! then ayah aku ckp, pakai baju apa2 pun takpe, siapa je yang kisah! lol! hehehee. selamat ! ![]() oh and !semalam tengah bertwitting and facebooking, ada orang add. then approve lah sbb she's a girl. 'she' of course lah female. hayoo, then tak smpai 10 minutes, dia chat. she's THE VERY VERY SWEET! dia tengok my shawl tutors :) like, ohmy.. tak sangkaa ada orang tengok smpai add and follow kat twitter and fb. ![]() And tasi pula dia chatting dgn aku. dia ckap she's my big fan! i think my tears going to fall :`} like seriouslyyy.. omg! hihi. and harini mama FINAL EXAM. doakan kan dia okay! hihi. lepas ni boleh lah pergi shopping or jalan-jalan. dia dah takde exam and class, dah habis. hihi. Emm, and tu je kot. taktau nak cerita apa. oh before i forgot, malam ni malam ni malam ni malam ni malam ni malam ni malam ni! okaystop! jumpa my sister in law.. oups! i meant, future sister in law! ishh aku ni tak sabar! hihi. nak jadi her sister in law. hahaks. and nak bagi present tu. kay lah, asalammualaikum :) byebye. |
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