Gong xi fa cai
Sunday, [0] Stalker ![]() Hey peeps. asalammualaikum :) new template and theme colour lagi right? lol. serious aku asyik tukar je. because aku cepat boring. IDK why doo. hehe. and this time navy blue. my sistarh favorite colour :D haha. curi kejap. and aku pun boleh tahan lah suka navy blue. andand, aku dah ckp kat my mom, nak kahwin nnt baju nak navy blue and silver, kehkeh. belajo pun tak habis lagi nak kahwin. hakkpuih :D Tadi pergi Shah Alam. Biasalah, wedding ceremony again. lawl. dah 3 kot wedding orang jemput. makan free sahajaa :D hihi. diaorang buat dekat PKNS shah alam tu. diaorang jiran atuk aku lama. kat kampung lah. so then, dorang jemput lah. Then tadi aku gatai lah pakai baju colour hijau muda. then sampai-sampai sana, dorang punya wedding theme colour pun colour hijau macam baju kurung aku! like seriously......? haha. and makanan dorang sedap lah. boleeh laah. simple but adorable. lol. then cousin aku datang. tidur sini smpai hari khamis, maybe. taktau lagi lah. serious best! kalau tak chinese new year ni sunyi je lewww. and and! ayah aku pasang astro beyond. best ke huh? aku taktau lah, cause tak tgk tv lagi. lol. and i just want to wish HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR DUDE :) gong xi fa cai :D haha. okaylah, nak tgk movie dgn my lovely cousin.. bubye. asalammualaikum guys. -lots of loves, z.z.a |
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