Contest Gaya Shawl Ku
Friday, [0] Stalker


A million thanks for the owner sbb buat contest ni and for my future kakak ipar for tag.

  • Follow Blog candie n naddy *utk supaya tak ketinggalan zaman :)
  • Buat Entry 'Contest Gaya Shawl Ku'
  • Ltk banner kat entry korang
  • ltk pic gaya shawl korunk . tangkap pic korunk pkai shawl
  • Cerita sikit kenapa suka gaya shawl tu
  • Tag 2 kwn anda >pastikn dyorg tahu<
  • Hntr url kt komen entry ni or hantar kat shoutbox blog nie or blog naddy
  • and stu lagy post kan pic korunk tu kat KLIK SINI
  • vote yg pling byk and gaya paling best MENANG

Gaya shawl ku ? aku suka pakai shawl macm ni cause style ni awesome and nampak je mcm susah nak pakai. but actually not hard as you think it is. im serious :) hihi. and style ni one of my favorite style. kalau nak pergi jalan2 pon pakai shawl and style ni. haha. kalau baju colour dia tak matching pon aku pakai je sbb nak pakai shawl ni and the style :)

saya tag dua org budak hot ni ,

-Lots of loves,

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