My new banner .
Thursday, [0] Stalker Pftt ! Akhirnya , dah lama aku nak buat banner baru, tapi pc bilik aku rosak , son ahrini pc bilik aku da okay sikit .. so tu la my new banner , biasa2 je .. umm , copypaste kat blog korang tau ! tgk kat sidebar blog aku , ada auto-hide spoiler kan ? ada tulis my banner , click je lah kat situ kay ? that's all , kbye .. cheers :D |
Hello Hi. Welcome to Princess Rawrr. I dont used to "follow me, i'll follow you back". Hate my blog, fine. We almost always see only what's wrong with other people and not what's wrong with us. Best view Google Chrome Taggie Board
Music Here
Music describes what words cant Shut up and enjoy the musicTwitter | Facebook | Tumblr |