Random Post
Thursday, [0] Stalker ![]() Heyy peeps and As-salam :) and macam biasa, takde cerita lah nak story kat hampa. #cewaah, kan dah kene hampa. hahha. and, macam biasa juga, baru lepas habis edit blog orang. my cousin. tak cantik sangat lah, sho shorry my dear Ada. her name ada. she's 14 :) and nak tengok blog dia yang tk beberapa nak cantik cause time tu aku macam takde mood :D here >:D< #And yang ambil result PMR harini, hope result korang mantopp. and my cousin, abang sedara. dapat 2 A , 5 B , and 1 C. not bad lah. seriously, SCIENCE pulaaa dia A ! and KH. notbadd lah kan. takde lah teruk sangat kan. and yang C tu BI. umm, and nak tau kak hani punya result, nak tanya, tapi takut dia busy, so malas kacau dia. tunggu dia update blog je lah :D hahaha. and seriously dah nak sekolah! :O omjayy! barang? HAHA! belum prepare pun! tak beli lagi. buku? lagilah doh. idk, my parents selalu busy. and malam besok tak jadi balik kampung, cause my dad ckp nnt maybe jam. so kiteorg balik hari sabtu pagi. and i'll miss my OHSEMM cousin. umm, thatsall i guess. and nak continue tweets dgn member . take care :) bye. wsalam! |
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