It's tomorrow :)
Sunday, [0] Stalker ![]() Aloohaaa peeps and salam :) it's tomorrow ? hiii, the camp yaww. yknow what, serious nervous and excited lah jugaaa. nervous ? sebab takut dgn activites2 kat sana. bcause mama cakap nanti ada satu game, nama dia 'burung hantu' then dia lepas kan sorang dalam hutan. ni masa malam2 tau. then letak sorang2 jauh2. then sapa yang menjerit kalah. menjerit sebab takut lah and soall. malam wehhh :O yknow, takde lah takut sgt but still nervous looo. and back smeua dah packed cukup2 dah smua. and tu je kot. aku kene kemas rumah lepas ni, sbb rumah dah tunggang langgang. nnt parent aku balik bising pula dorang. kay bubye :) -Lots of loves, z.z.a |
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