Happy + Unhappy
Wednesday, [0] Stalker ![]() Heyy peeps and salam. kehkeh. blog lain sikit ? haha. sikit jewwwsss. and baackgorund dia comel tak? haha. i buat sendiri tau :D kihkih. i love purple plus grey. dia mcm comel gilaa colour dia. and so sweett. haha. idk why, semalam tak boleh tidur. cause tak puas hati sbb tak edit blog. then bila pagi2 bangun, terus on lappy ! hahaha. my mom cuti, so bising lah dia. but dont worry. dah kemas rumah :) hahaha. and my dad kene sambung tidur satu hari lagi kat ward :( sbb sleep apnae dia positive. so, dia kene buat treatment lain. so worry, ya allah, harap dia cepat sembuh. serious risau gilaaa. umm. nak buat camne kan, dah jadi. and btw, button 'follow' and 'dahsboard' tu bessargilaaanakmati kan? ahahha. daja nak tarik attention org suruh FOLLOW ! hahaha. idk why dia jadi besar. masa edit kecil je. bukak2 besaq punyaq! lol. kaylah, thatsallfornow. bye salam :) -Lots of loves, z.z.a |
![]() Hello Hi. Welcome to Princess Rawrr. I dont used to "follow me, i'll follow you back". Hate my blog, fine. We almost always see only what's wrong with other people and not what's wrong with us. Best view Google Chrome Taggie Board
Music Here
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