Tutorial Follow Guna Image
Wednesday, [0] Stalker


okay , tutorial ni xde sape yang request , aku saje2 je nk buat .. okay , jom buat nk ?

mcm biasa Log in -> Dashboard -> Design -> Page Element -> Add a gadget -> choose HTML/JAVASCRIPT .

copy code kt bawah ni , andthen paste kt dlm html/javascript tu tauu ,

< a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTiBRmnx0Y2HzTqE45oVWdCubmQ2HcTfHzdz61ldiq9OavXp4AdKW5YpJ1FQF2Qj47LSaT6oxzJJPtIB0wzoi1y-y5FIhp1E58YfDIekFYFlKE8uX5a_BvAjfWLyCN9qJLa4Y_Qrma/s1600/tumblr_l99iy25qIg1qccwo7o1_250.png" imageanchor ="1" style= "margin- left: 1em; margin-right : 1 em ;" > < img border ="0" height ="200" src = "URL IMAGE/ICON KORANG" width="140" / >

Yang aku colour merah tu korang tuka dgn code ni ;

http://www.blogger.com/follow-blog.g?blogID=BLOG ID KORANG
tapi ingat ! amek nombor dia je , okay .. xtau kt mne nk cari ? che cari che cari kat list2 tuto aku tuhh okay . and yg aku colour purple tu , url gmba korang lahh, cari la kt mne2 jea yehh ? all da best .

Welcome to my world

Hello Hi. Welcome to Princess Rawrr. I dont used to "follow me, i'll follow you back". Hate my blog, fine. We almost always see only what's wrong with other people and not what's wrong with us. Best view Google Chrome

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