Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs !
Friday, [0] Stalker

Okay , Honestly harini aku x skola , EH ! bkn PONTENG meehhh , baju kurung sekolah aku gone , xtau hilang ktne , puas aku cari and memekak pgi tdi , and bla bla , bla , the end .. jgn ckp ape2 da , Ushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! the moral of the story is jgn tido lmbt , and gantung baju lepas gune , okay , tutup cerita psl tu , harini sungguh panas , and mesti bulan ni duet api melambung , hampir everyday psl air con . harini kne edit someone's blog . bdk year 6 , mmbe aku ,dye nk suro aku edit kn cursor dye . then lepas da siap , tutup blo , facebook and pc , pegi kt meja , amek buku exercise and STUDYYY mehh . lgi pon time kt pc ni smpi kol 4 SAHAJA ! btw , die nk cursor rama2 and ade tulis 'kayana nur syasya' okay . bubye ~


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