Blog 2Yg Org X Berapa Nk Suka And Malas Nk Visit .
Sunday, [0] Stalker

Okay , first Skali Blog Yg Gune 'Garisan Music' cause , nnt bile org runsing nk bace , kite kne bace sesuatu bende dgn tenang ,klu gune bende tu kn die xle pause kn bende tu , haa , nnt org xle focus nk bace blog kite , org pon x visit blog kita .

Second , Blogger yg gune background Yg Gelap And Byk Corak , Da La Tulisan Pon Kecik , So X nmpak Nk BACE ,contoh nye bacgkround mcm ni ↑

Nnt tulisan x nmpak , contoh -->

Third Org Yg Suke Sgt COPYCATTTTTTT ! , Yg tiru blog org , org penat2 design , die sng2 je copy , tu mmg aku pantang skli .

Forth Blog Die Byk Sgt Widget , Mmm , Xkesa La , Jam ke , Calendar , Gmba CARTOON , Gmba bodo2 je yg penuh .

P.s: Ni Pendapat Aku Je , X Salah Klu Buat Pon , Just Nnt Org Pon Naik Menyampah La Nk Visit Blog Kite , Cause Xle Focus Nk Bace , X nmpak , and copycat sgt tu , mmg nk mintak kaki !


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