Aiyyok , ade org ponteng .
Monday, [0] Stalker

Alohaaaa ! Harini Zakirah x skola .. cause ... malas ... and kasut x basuh . meheheheehe . tpi x sihat sikit .tidoo je la kt umah , nk wt pe ... and and , hari rabu ni zakirah x skola lgi kowt , cause mama kn ada class , so , ayh nk anta mama , mesti ayh ajk zakirah skali kn , sbb biase nye class mama start kola 3 hingga 5 , kn 2 jam je , xkn nk balek , nnt kne pegi balek kn , so slalu nye kteorg tunggu , gi shopping or jejalan je .. mmm , tpi x sure la lgi zakirah skola ke x .. mehehehehe , tpi harini rase Happy And Worry la , Worry sbb ape ? ade la .

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